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Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-Supported-Dentures in Houston, TX

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Patients, of our Founding and Accredited Member of the AACD (American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry), Dr. Guy Lewis, with missing teeth can now achieve a beautiful, functioning smile with implant-supported dentures. By adding a set of 4 or more strategically placed dental implants by Astra or Nobel Biocare, this procedure provides a foundation that can be created to anchor your denture. Having this type of denture anchored directly to the jawbone provides functional, health-related, and aesthetic benefits. The dentures stay securely in place, so patients can laugh, speak, and eat without having to worry about their dentures shifting out of place. Implant-supported dentures tend to last longer than tooth-supported dentures, since they suffer less wear and tear due to movements of the mouth. Since the dentures are supported by the implant, they do not cause the crowding, gum, or bone problems often associated with tooth-supported restorations. Patients with implant-supported dentures tend to enjoy greater freedom in their everyday activities, as well as enhanced oral health.

If you live in or near The Woodlands and Houston, TX areas and are interested in dentures supported by dental implants, we invite you to contact the Texas Center for Cosmetic Dentistry to schedule a consultation.


Before any procedure, your cosmetic dentist will perform a dental exam, and take digital X-rays and a CT scan to get a comprehensive view of your mouth. Digital impressions of your teeth will also be made. Your cosmetic dentist can make an implant-supported denture for the lower arch, upper arch, or both.

If you are a candidate for implant-supported dentures, you will have 4 titanium implants surgically placed into your jawbone. Then, a temporary denture will be placed and locked in with connectors called abutments. Adjustments will be made once the temporary dentures are in place for a comfortable bite and natural look. After 6 months (with regular check-ups in between), your bones will have fused around the implant and your gums will have healed. Your dentist will then make new impressions of your transformed gums. Your new teeth will then be made.

Once we have your new dentures, we will remove the temporary, and replace it with the custom implant-supported denture that only your dentist can remove. Just like normal teeth or removable dentures, you will have to care for your implants like normal teeth with daily brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash. You will also want to stay on schedule for dental check-ups, and cleanings, and make repairs when needed to keep your investment in these implants in top-notch condition.

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Implant-supported Denture FAQs

Will it move inside my mouth?

Having implant-supported dentures anchored directly to the jawbone provides functional, health-related, and aesthetic benefits. The dentures stay securely in place, so you can laugh, speak, and eat without having to worry about your dentures shifting out of place.

What is the Surgery like?

The dentist begins the surgery by making a small incision in the gums to access the jawbone. Next, a small hole is drilled into the bone and the dental implant is carefully inserted. Finally, the implant is covered with gum tissue and allowed to heal. A temporary restoration may be worn until the implant site has healed. The healing process, called osseointegration, generally takes several months, during which time the dental implant adheres to the gums and jawbone. When the implant site has healed, you will return to our office to have the restoration placed.

How Long Is the process?

The implant dentistry process involves 2 phases: surgical placement of the dental implant(s), and placement of the restoration. The Texas Center for Cosmetic Dentistry is distinguished among Houston area implant dentistry centers, since we perform both phases here at our facility in The Woodlands, TX. Both are performed while you are under local anesthesia. We provide advanced pain-management options, including sedation dentistry, to make the implantation process as comfortable and stress-free as possible. You will have your own treatment plan, and we can discuss the time investment at your consultation.

Feel Your Confidence Soar

When you are faced with making the decision on how to replace all your teeth, we would like the opportunity to discuss with you that option of the implant-supported denture for a longer-lasting solution that offers stability and a more natural look and feel. This is a great option for anyone who does not wish to have removable dentures. Our helpful and friendly staff in The Woodlands, TX would like to schedule you a consultation to learn more.

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