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Tooth Extractions

Tooth Extractions in Houston, TX

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When you have a tooth that is no longer viable, you need a tooth extraction. Most people associate tooth extractions with pain, but our dentists at the Texas Center for Cosmetic Dentistry are trained in the latest methods and use the best materials to ensure effectiveness to minimize pain. In addition, our office offers many different forms of sedation and anesthetic to help numb the area.

If a tooth has become cracked, damaged, or unstable, a dentist may decide to remove it from the mouth entirely. Tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from its socket in the bone. After a tooth extraction, the patient will need to have the tooth replaced. The best, most durable option is a dental implant topped with a crown made of porcelain or other material. A patient can also choose to have a bridge or a partial denture made if desired. If the patient chooses to have an implant placed, it may be several weeks between the extraction and the placement of the implant to allow the body to fully regenerate bone of the extracted tooth. A bridge, on the other hand, can be placed the same day as the extraction. If you think you need a tooth extraction, please contact us to discuss treatment options. When an extraction is needed, our specially trained Periodontist is here to focus on your comfort during and after the procedure. Our office is conveniently located in The Woodlands, TX.  


Before any extractions, the dentist will take current X-rays to determine the where the tooth that needs to be removed is in relation to the surrounding teeth, tissue, and bone. For a simple extraction, which is used when the crown of the tooth is above the gum line, the dentist will loosen the tooth and carefully remove the entire tooth, including the root, from the mouth. During a surgical extraction, which is used when the crown of the tooth is still below the gum line or not fully erupted, the dentist will separate the tooth from the bone, gums, and soft tissue before removing the tooth. After an extraction, the dentist will give the patient instructions on caring for the treated area, including how to clean the area, what foods to avoid, and when to return for a follow up appointment.

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Extraction FAQs

Wisdom Teeth?

Removing the last molars on the upper and lower jaw that develop in adolescence, commonly known as the wisdom teeth, is usually a surgical extraction since the teeth are still not fully above the gum line. While most patients will need or want their wisdom teeth removed, the dentist will help the patient decide whether or not their wisdom teeth should be extracted.

Replacing the Tooth?

Once the tooth or teeth have been extracted, patients have many options for filling the new gaps in their smile. The dentist will help the patient decide if the tooth should be replaced and the many options, including crowns, bridges, and dentures, that are available. The patient may choose to have the tooth replaced at the same time as the extraction or at a later appointment.

Sedation Options?

For more anxious patients, sedation options are available during tooth extractions. The dentist will go over sedation options during the patient’s consultation and help them decide the best method for them. Once the sedation method is chosen, the dentist will go over the steps the patient will experience before, during, and after the sedation. 

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Get Out of Pain

A damaged or impacted tooth can be very painful, but at Texas Center for Cosmetic Dentistry, we offer safe extractions. If you are experiencing a toothache or pain in your jaw, schedule a consultation with our specialists to discuss tooth extractions or other treatment solutions.

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